


We, the members of BOFAM Foundation determined to contribute towards the well being of Ghana and exercising our right to determine the form of governance of our organization, have agreed to pass this document as the constitution of BOFAM Foundation to govern its operations for the smooth running of the organization.


BOFAM Foundation is a Non Governmental organization registered with Registrar General Department Accra. The foundation will offer Social, educational and health support for rural communities in Ghana. The foundation will work in rural Ghana but shall have its office in Accra.


The name of the organization shall be BOFAM Foundation hereafter referred to as BOFAM in short.

Aim and objectives of BOFAM

Social and Educational Support

  1. BOFAM will offer support to bridge the gap between the rural and urban education by offering support for equal educational facilities for the rural communities.
  2. To improve health care delivery in the rural communities by providing health support.
  3. To create a generation that is aware of its environment hence be actively involved in its protection and improvement.
  4. To support Gender in improving the livelihood for all women.

Officials of the organization

The organization shall have the following officers, whose bona fide holders shall be elected either in general meetings or appointed in acting capacity to fill vacant positions:

  1. Chairman
  2. Secretary
  3. Member
  4. Member
  5. Member

Functions of the office bearers


  • Arranging and calling meetings
  • In charge of the overall running of the organization
  • Sorting and solving problems arising in the organization
  • Signing cheques with other officials who are signatories to the account; and minutes of the meetings
  • Representing the organization in meetings
  • Chairing all group meetings


  • In charge of all the organization’s records and minutes of meetings
  • Reading minutes of previous meetings
  • Should handle all correspondence of the organization and maintain records and inventories accurately
  • Circulate minutes of meetings to all the officials in good time
  • Signing cheques with other signatories of the account
  • Handle all the purchases of the organization
  • Maintain financial records of the organization
  • Disburse funds in cases of payments or requests for imprests

The executive committee

This shall comprise of all the office bearers and the heads of various departments and two or three members nominated by the office. The executive committee meeting shall be presided over by the chairman of the organization or his/her vice on delegation. The committee shall meet two (2) times in a year except only where there arises an urgent issue that requires immediate attention and delay could otherwise affect the organization negatively.

Functions and powers of the executive committee

This shall serve as the regulatory organ of the organization discussing plans of action to be implemented by the various departments as well as the office. This is charged with the responsibility of assisting the office in the day-to-day operations of the organization. The executive committee shall also handle disciplinary matters concerning members of the organization. However, when an issue has not been discussed exhaustively in the committee meeting, it can be decided over by the officers or postponed for another meeting.

Special and emergency meetings

These shall be called when there are urgent issues to be discussed and those that cannot wait. Sometimes these might just involve the officials or a few available members.

Representation of the organization

Only the chairperson or his/ her delegated and authorized personnel shall speak on behalf of the organization. Any other unauthorized personnel speaking or signing documents on behalf of the organization is deemed to be illegal hence liable for disciplinary measures to be spelt out by the Executive committee depending on the magnitude of the offence.

Amendment of the Constitution

A member or official in writing prior to the annual general meeting may initiate an amendment of this constitution. The amendment shall be made upon receiving two-thirds majority vote in the AGM.
This working document shall come into force once it has been signed and accepted by at least a third of the registered members if and when there are no complains or reservations by any member.

This Constitution is made on this Twenty-Second day of October in the year Two Thousand and Thirteen. Signed and accepted by a committee of 3 members plus a secretary.