About Us


The BOFAM Foundation is a Non-Governmental organization registered with Registrar General Department Accra, Department of Social welfare and the Accra Metropolitan Assembly. The BOFAM Foundation was founded in 2015 by Mr. Frede Bosteen and his wife Mrs. Marianne Bosteen who are both Danish nationals living and working in Ghana for over 35years. As a way of giving back to a country they have been working in, they decided to set up the NGO to assist with some social interventions with emphasis on Education, Health, Environmental and Agricultural development support for rural communities in Ghana. Jobs creation.- The Foundation works in rural Ghana but has its offices in Accra.

Project Interests

EDUCATION: BOFAM Foundation is committed to support basic education to rural communities in Ghana. Our assistance includes renovation of dilapidated classroom blocks, building of new classroom blocks when the one already in place cannot be renovated or there is none available at all. We also provide educational materials such as text books, exercise books, school uniforms, sandals, stationary etc. Deserving pupils are also considered for scholarships when necessary. BOFAM foundation employs transparent mechanism in the provision of the support so that all money spent is accounted for. We go down to communities needing help to discuss with them and get a “buy – in” into every educational support to be given.
Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life; means, because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one’s awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one’s rights, and in the process evolve as a better citizen.

HEALTH CARE: BOFAM Foundation sees the proper access to health care by all persons as a basic need and not a privilege. In Ghana most villages and rural dwellers rely on Community Based -Health Planning and Service (CHPS) Compound to access primary health care. This is the first point of call for every health condition however they normally lack the basic medication and equipment to work with. The situation is so bad that sometimes midwives have to rely on kerosene lamps and candles for child delivery sessions due to frequent power outages and in some cases the clinic is not connected to the grid at all. There is often a shortage of snake sera and other child immunization drugs due to lack of cooling for storage. To mitigate against this situation BOFAM provides renovation for such dilapidated CHPS compounds, provision of solar vaccine fridges, medical equipment, solar lighting and medical supplies.- Bofam has also assisted the OTC ( Orthopedic Training Center ) with supplies of solar street lamps and Lego bricks for the kids. 

IRRIGATION FOR AGRICULTUE USING SOLAR WATER PUMPS: BOFAM Foundation supports farmers to acquire solar water pumps to irrigate their farms. Majority of farmers in rural Ghana rely on rainfall to irrigate their farms using manual labour. This becomes very difficult during the dry season because most of the water sources dry up. With the provision of solar water pumps to draw water from bore holes for these farmers they will be able to have access to water for irrigation even in the dry season. Due to the agricultural sector’s important role in the economy and for people’s incomes, accelerating, Agricultural growth is a must. Increase in agricultural production and productivity depends, to a large extent, on the availability of water hence, the importance of irrigation. However, the availability of irrigation facilities is highly inadequate for the rural Ghanaian farmer due to cost. BOFAM Foundation provides such financial interventions to ease the burden off these farmers.- Another important benefit is that successful farmers can offer employment to the youth and thus help to reduce the migration to the cities.

To be eligible for any support from BOFAM, the project must be sustainable and the beneficiary is required to make a contribution either in cash or kind as a way of showing commitment. When there is beneficiary commitment, the sustainability of the project is assured because there is a sense of ownership for them. Currently the foundation is funded mainly by the founders but we will be happy to receive financial or in kind support from other donors and individuals l to sustain this worthy cause.

Bank details: Bofam Foundation, P.O.Box 16123,Royal Airport Plaza 5, Accra, Ghana, Ecobank Ghana Limited, EUR account 0551084480690402, Swift code EC0CGHAC

Frede Bosteen